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Who'd have thought…. It was a flirty young woman with a naughty streak who caught my attention

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A few weeks ago I'd never have guessed that I would be writing on a site like this. I mean I've grown up understanding that sex is a sacred thing when your married or with a long term partner...

It was a flirty young woman with a naughty streak who caught my attention exactly 20 years ago. We married and have enjoyed some fabulous sex, but after a very short while it was became very infrequent. I've heard ever excuse possible and the infrequency caused lots of frustrations, tension and built barriers between us.

I constantly feared meeting women at work or social events because chemistry isn't a thing we've got total control over, and I didn't want to screw up my marriage.

During lovemaking I noticed how turned on my wife became while whispering naughty fantasies that involved other women. You might think this exciting for me, but it actually lead to lots of guilt and fear that I was destined for the scrap heap as soon as the kids could fend for themselves. The love required to do all those little things needed in a marriage was slowly drifting away.

It all came out early in March, and while I'm sure some marriages would have exploded, we cried, we hugged, we made amazing love and ours suddenly feels as if it is much stronger.

We've been able to talk lots and separate the deep love between ourselves and sexual intimacy with others, deciding to go on a journey, exploring our sexuality both on our own and together within a set of 'open' marriage rules we're both happy with.

There are things we're still nervous about, but amazingly all the tensions gone. I'm in my early 40's, but we're making love 2 or 3 times a day talking about fantasies, other people we know or see during the day, things we've seen on sites like this and our love feels as tingly as the day we first kissed.

OK, we've a young family, I run a photography business and our parents would go into orbit if they discovered, so we need to be discreet - but we're going to try a few adult parties and explore sites like this, not to "Bang for Britain" but to grow as people, as a couple, and enjoy with others a new found freedom, a freedom that sadly only a small percentage of people understand or allow themselves to experience.
