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Brighton Club Spank Birthday Ball

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Date start: 21.09.2013 Date END: 22.09.2013 [Description]

THEME: A celebration of all that is sexy, kinky or just plain beautiful from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Think Harajuka girls, cyber Ninjas, neo-Geishas, latex-clad Samurai, Tokyo punk... CosPlay with twisted Anime or slutty Manga characters... and last but certainly not least, the fascinating art of Japanese rope bondage KinbakuShibari.

Celebrate Spank's first UK birthday (in Australia we're now rising 7 years old!) at the ultra-smart Al Duomo Bar & Club, beautifully located next to the historic Royal Pavilion Gardens. This wonderful Italian restaurant efficiently chases out the last patrons and whisks away the tables to provide a late-night space that lends itself as perfectly to clubbing as it does to eating. Expect a supportive manager, professional bar staff and security, and high-quality sound systems.

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MIDNIGHT SHOW - a stunning Kinbaku rope performance from the renowned Jack & Zahara.'Rope is an extension of Jack's hands. It is a new and deeper form of communication, in a way where words will simply never do. It is love, passion, sensuality, eroticism, raw energy. It is primal, elevated, frustration, tears, pure feeling. It is a way of joining that nothing else has ever matched up to. Rope is a mutual exchange, full of laughter and love.' Wow. The Spank team is officially excited!

ROVING ENTERTAINERS - that extrovert duo Minxx Moré and Belle de Vine will once more provide a visual treat. After the roaring success of their roving marionette act (not to mention bar dancing!) at the Spank Brighton Fetish Weekend Ball, we are agog to see what they come up with for this party... details to follow but we know it will be imaginative and cute as a button.

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YOU DON'T HAVE TO DRESS TO THEME, but we do ask for a decent effort to dress to our fetish dress code. This means anything alon