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sex life after prostate cancer

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due to the agressive nature of the surgery involved to remove the prostate gland through cancer , many men find themselves unable to have sexual intercourse through erectile dysfunction , whilst this can be helped by the use of drugs from the viagra range of medication ie: LIVITRA & CIALIS as well as VIAGRA sometimes these drugs are not as effective as some people would wish , it can take up to 12 months for the erection to return to normal , in some cases it does not return at all , further surgery is available to correct this but in the meantime sexual activity is limited to oral ( giving ) & fondling. In some cases this sexual stimulation is enough to enable a man to obtain an erection through time assisted by the drugs named earlier sooner rather than later , however trying to find a partner who would settle for oral & fondling is like trying to find ROCKY HORSE SHITE !! virtually impossible , i dont know wether women are put off by the male not being able to give intercourse or by the fact that the male has had cancer , however this is the situation that i now find myself in so to all the women who have ignored my contact to them THANK YOU VERY MUCH & to the women who sent back thank,s but no thank,s at least you had the decency to reply , so i will just wait the 12 month & then see if i need another operation & when i,ve got my 7 inches back i wont contact you to see if you would like to have it.

Re: sex life after prostate cancer

Hi Brian well done to you hun...

For being honest upfront and positive. I'm new on this site and have only just come across your post.
Sorry to hear you have been treated like crap.It proves that a lot of people are shallow sexually and mentally.

Its good to here that you are positive and have come through this well done you x
You'll see you will come back twice as horny and better than you were before :)

Good luck to you
BB x

Re: sex life after prostate cancer

hi BB thank you for your words of encouragement i do appreciate it , it makes a change to recieve something positive on this site , the medication that i,m on at the moment is working very slowly & up to now there is not much happening although the consultant did say it would take a while before i would get a return towards normal life , still i,m looking forward all the time & words like yours can only help , once again thank you.
brian x

Re: sex life after prostate cancer

Greetings Brian,

That sounds like you have been through a really rough patch and as BB said it is great you are so open and honest, a fantastic policy to follow.

If I can make a logical suggestion perhaps you could invest in a strap-on of some sort to use? Not quite the same I know but it could fill that void and perhaps increase your chances. As you are such an honest bloke id recommend putting it in your profile as well if you choose to do that. Maybe a vibrating strap-on if there is such a thing so you could enjoy it as well and I’m sure it would feel great for the woman!

Either way hang in there mate I’m sure you will find one if you keep up the effort.

Re: sex life after prostate cancer

hi thanks for your input , that,s a good idea , there is a device that is available but i cant use it till 6 months after the op as it does put strain on the ligaments & tendons , it works on & off like a penis developer but can you imagine the scenario , in the throes of passion i turn to a woman & say hold on while i blow this up , still if it works it could make a good conversation piece to break the ice ! lol but seriously it is agood idea about a strap on ( as long as i dont start getting replies from men !!!!

sex life after prostate cancer PART 2

as anyone who read my first forum will know , the hospital & my GP have been working towards finding a treatment to recover my erection following an operation for prostate cancer , the normal drugs for this failed to work & i was left looking at 2 remaining treatments both of which i would have to wait for until fully healed from the operation , that day has arrived & i was supplied with a vacuum pump device to try out , i am very pleased to say that this device worked first time & it restored my erection within 10 seconds , however it was quite painful as the ligaments & tendons had not been stretched for some months now (10 to be exact) , i now have to spend the next 10 days developing the elasticity in the ligaments & tendons so that the pain subsides & the erection returns to it,s former state , i should be able to have intercourse within the next few weeks & i will change my profile then , it will be fun though if i,m with a woman & i have to say " hold on till i blow this up " but i think it has all been worth it & now i can look forward to getting back to normal.