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Problems with chat rooms anyone?

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For the past few days we've been having terrible probems getting into, and staying in, the cam chat room. We're long time, regular users of the room, so we know we're doing all the right things! Half the time we simply can't get past the first page, and then when we do get in, we're booted after about 10 seconds, time after time. Very frustrating!! We've downloaded the latest Javascript and Adobe updates, but nothing seems to help....anyone else having the same problems or have any suggestions?

Thanks....H&M xxx

Re: Problems with chat rooms anyone?

Can't believe we're the only ones! Any advice please

Re: Problems with chat rooms anyone?

Not had any problems like that at all sorry Helen and Mike.
The only thing that springs to mind is a java fault. Whilst you may have the latest edition it may harbour a glitch. Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing? There are also java repair programmes that you can download for free.
I'll ask around and post anything I think may be useful on here for all to see but will mail you direct also.

Re: Problems with chat rooms anyone?

Are you using Firefox as your browser?
If so:
Firefox users who updated to the latest Firefox version released last week may find that the Java plugin doesn't work. Apparently one of the dozens of bugs fixes uncovered a Java plugin misbehavior that prevents it from starting properly and crashing the browser. A bug has already been filed on Sun's bug tracking system.

If not I'll keep looking