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Dogging in Durham

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We visted our first doing site last night. We waited 10 mins and no one arrived. I took hubby for a walk down the old railway track for 10 mins. It was a cold night. He was cold in his white basque, stockings and high heels. He was looking forward to so guy playing with me. He had to make do with a good canning. On returning to the car we waited 10 more mins and no one arrived. Is Dogging real or a myth in Durham.

Re: Dogging in Durham

hi.....well we could do it.......dont mean to stalk you...but we seem to like the same things...hell it is cold out at the moment....i live near nevilles cross....richard x

Re: Dogging in Durham

i am interested in dogging in durham but can never find out where any1 is going 2 be. Do you want to organise something

Re: Dogging in Durham

hi we're looking for somewhere in hartlepool areaimg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

Re: Dogging in Durham

duno but tell me where ill come play with you

Re: Dogging in Durham

Hi folks Sorry I missed this one If I hadn't I'd have been there. Read my profile and email to me for a chat. I see your profile has been dropped for some reason. But mail to me anyway. Angela

Re: Dogging in Durham

I heard there's a dogging spot at frankland prison car park late at night.

Re: Dogging in Durham

I dog in tow law perhaps u have seen me in a green small daewoo

Re: Dogging in Durham

hi since the car park at the south gare is now loked at 7 pm? the best solution would ne the car park at newburn bridge? its very long dak and still open all night, also the laybye on the a689 out towards cowpembewly, just past greatham is well used? also by gays, so you will be pested single men wating to dog. poat up what time and ill come along and watch join in?img src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif"

Re: Dogging in Durham

hi the prime site was at hardwick hall park but this is now gated at 7pm? councils have done this at many car parks where dogging takes place, the only answer is to use the other car park in the rear of the hotel? it goes right back to a quad bike park and is alwways open, hope this helps?
what railway line you walking on? there is a walk near the durham road out of stockton that goes to hesldon? on the back road from wolviston. this walk is ideal in the simmer,, no gates open to public they cant do anythingimg src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif" to stop it. you could do it in open air and invite to meet a group, eben better.
hope this helps.

Re: Dogging in Durham

It is real. Depends on what you want. The picnic site at Causey Arch is a very busy scene on a friday saturday night. Mostly guys, a lot of gay, a little TV action. It really depends on what you want to do. Sounds like hubby could get well used there.

Good luck - I admire your willingness to really live

dogging in durham

havnt been yet but i wanna be well used aswell