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Car Trouble: Part 1 - How we met

4:08 lunes, 15th agosto, 2022

It's early in the evening, a day packed with meetings, endless conversations about nothing. On my way home, I decide to take "the scenic route". (I hate boring highway drives, would most often prefer to take the "path less travelled".) With twilight approaching, I turn on my headlights and move along the back roads at a reasonable pace.

Cresting a small rise, I see a car pulled over to the side, its hood propped up. Obviously, someone having car trouble who could (maybe) use some help. I glance at the clock, note the time, and conclude "well, it looks like I won't be making it home in time to make dinner. No worries, I'll stop somewhere on the way". I slow gradually. As I pull around the stopped car, I see... a flash of leg! A finely shaped one at that, appearing beneath a dark-coloured modest skirt (just above the knee) and terminating in a bright red high-heeled shoe. (Amy Winehouse's "F' Me Pumps" begins playing in my head. I unconsciously break into a smile, thanking G-d for my good fortune.)

I pull over, just ahead of the vehicle. As I do so, you turn to see what sort of individual has stopped: friend or foe? Pepper spray or a "thank you for stopping"? Your hands remain empty, it seems that I have passed the first test.

I stop my car and get out. Without approaching, I ask "I guess it's obvious you are having car trouble. Do you know what's wrong?" You turn to look under the raised hood, turn back to me and shrug "I have absolutely no clue. I was just driving along, the engine seemed to lose power and then just stopped dead. Nothing happens when I turn the key. To top it off, my phone is out of power also. I was really starting to panic until I saw your lights. This road doesn't get a lot of traffic, especially at night. I am SO happy you stopped. Unless, of course, you're a serial killer. Or a dentist." At that, we both laugh lightly. "Well, I'm DEFINITELY not a dentist!" Another pleasant shared laugh, you with your head thrown back. I notice how your eyes sparkle in the headlights, how your ruby red lips capture my gaze. I feel a twinge of longing, a certain rising of the tide...

"Well, listen, the cell coverage here is pretty spotty. I've got zero bars on mine. Why don't I get you closer to civilization, where you can call a garage to help you out?" "Thanks, that would be great", you reply. We get into my car and head off into the night together. Fifteen minutes later, we find ourselves on the outskirts of a small town - with cell service! You call the Auto Club (bless them) to report your problem. The bad news (but not for our story)? They can't have a service vehicle to respond for at least 4 hours.

Your shoulders slump as you hear the news. You end the call, turn to me and say "4 hours. It's gonna take them 4 hours to get to my car. Maybe even longer. Damn!" "Well, then", I respond, sporting a wry smile, "It looks like you're stuck with me for a while longer. I consider myself lucky. Hopefully we can make something positive from this!"

We agree to make the best of it. "How about dinner? Everyone has to eat, no matter what. There's a little Italian place just up the road, I think. What do you say?" With a sweet and sly grin, you nod. "Sounds good to me. Let's go. And by the way, I insist on paying for dinner and drinks." "Well, we'll see about that..." I respond. And off we go, just a few blocks, pulling into the parking lot, walking into the restaurant like a couple of old and familiar friends. We are seated in a booth in the far corner, where we order our meal and a bottle of wine. The wine comes quickly and we each down a glass or two. Loosening up, feeling fine and having a lovely time together.

Our food comes, and we tuck into the meal. It's good, not great, but we are having too good a time together to notice. Suddenly, I feel a presence. I look down into my lap, to see a beautifully pedicured foot (bright red polish, to match your shoes) playfully making its way up my thigh, ultimately landing gently, teasingly, upon its prize. My body responds as it is programmed to do. I feel myself hardening, growing in length and fullness. My heart accelerates, my body on the edge of ultimate arousal.

"Have I told you how much I love that colour of polish?" I ask. "Have I told you how much I want you, all of you, right now?" you respond. I choke a little on my food. Your blatant, no-holds-barred approach has thrown me a little - in a good way, but I'm flushed and at a loss for words. "Let's get the cheque and get out of here", you say. I can only nod my agreement and quickly head out to the car.

We get into the car. Before I can put the key into the ignition, I feel you grabbing at me, pulling down my zipper to release me into your grasp. I slide forward in my seat, to give you freer access. You draw me out, a moan issuing from deep within you. You stroke me once, twice, again...

Suddenly, without a word, your head descends onto me, swallowing me whole. You lick, slurp and bob your head, giving me immense pleasure in return for your own. After a minute, you raise your head, look into my eyes, and say "hotel; motel; bed; whatever; now". Not a whole sentence, but HELL YES!

With you still impaled on my hardness, we make our way out of the restaurant parking lot, heading to the outskirts of town, where we find a suitably rundown, ask-no-questions sort of place. I quickly check in, and we head into the room together...

12:23 sábado, 20th agosto, 2022

Wow 🙌

12:23 sábado, 20th agosto, 2022

Wow 🙌

12:24 sábado, 20th agosto, 2022

Wow 🙌

6:19 jueves, 8th septiembre, 2022

Só exciting, I’m trembling with desire. 

Blog Introduction

Big on kissing, caressing, stroking.  Lots of contact.

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