Can anyone be of assistance and genuine

5:48 martes, 18th julio, 2023



I've been on this site a while now and I've had some luck in the past. Ive had some wonderful experiences, but more so of late i find myself at a loss.

I'm not sure what it is i want or to explore and experience. I know i want fun but not sure how to go around it?

Life can often be a rather drab and monotonous experience if left at the mercy of of ones inability to push past our comfort zones and reach out for the new and interesting.

I find myself often wondering about what might be out there and find it difficult to put myself out there in a way that may well seem appealing to others.

Whats right to say as an opening gambit.....How confident should i appear.... or is that being arrogant...... or worse still coming across as desperate? Thoughts i often have.

So I've decided to throw myself fully in to this and say hey ho! If anyone has any help as to how to help me i would greatly appreciate it.

And Moreover if anyone wants to know anything drop me a message i am open to a fault and will probably continue to blog as i feel i get a modicum of catharsis from doing so.

Thanks again for any little pearls of wisdom or advice you can give.

Blog Introduction


A lost soul in need of purpose