That First Night: Part 3

5:08 lunes, 26th junio, 2023


Well, technically it IS early morning. But, whatever...

You are sleeping peacefully beside me, on your stomach, your head turned away from where I lie next to you. I listen to your breathing sounds, faint snores (did you know?) and an occasional groan or light moan. You are temporarily down for the count, it seems.

A creature of habit, I carefully slip out of bed. Feeling oddly self-conscious, even modest, I locate the sweat pants I brought along for moments such as this, and slip them on. "They're at least faintly stylish", I tell myself, and then pad into the kitchen space in search of a morning brew. Preparations completed and machine activated, I return to the sleeping area and lower myself into the love seat. It faces the bed, and from here I have a magnificent view of my sleeping beauty.

A few minutes gone by, I am summoned from my reverie by the not-so-subtle farting sounds issuing from the coffee maker, indicating the completion of the cycle - my coffee awaits. Having poured myself a strong black cup, I return to my seat, relaxed and almost content. I am missing only one thing - you next to me, the feel of your flesh, your wonderful scent, your eyes peering into mine, your sly and welcoming smile. But there is time, precious time, for all of that, I tell myself, and sink a little more deeply into the cushions.

More time passes. My cup is nearly empty and I am almost fully awake. Wondrous thoughts and imaginings begin to flow through my consciousness. So many possibilities, so many things I could do now... How to decide?

My mind made up, I reach for a pump bottle on the night table. Now straddling your thighs, I draw the bed covers lower, exposing your body from mid-bottom up. You stir, mumbling, no doubt annoyed by the perceived sudden change in temperature. Then you feel my hands on your back, followed by several helpings of warmed massage oil. You sigh as my hands begin to rub the oil around your back and onto your bottom. "Mmmmmm, that's good". Encouraging words and sounds issue forth as I work your upper body and then venture lower. I shift my body downward, to your calves, drawing the bedcovers with me. My hands, slick and warm, caress and knead your bottom. One buttock, then the other, then both together, over and over again. You are getting more and more into this, moaning your pleasure and growing arousal. You involuntarily begin to press yourself against the bed, in search of greater stimulation and ultimate release.

I move my hands lower, now working your thighs, first gently and superficially, then more deeply. So smooth and sexy, I'm losing myself in the sensations I feel through my fingers and palms. A minute or two of this and I slowly move my hands higher - first to the tops of your thighs, that sweet spot where your precious bottom begins. I work it until your moaning becomes continuous. Then upward, parting your bottom with the outer edges of my hands, leaving my slick thumbs free to travel up your cleft. Up and down, again and again...

You raise yourself to meet my fingers as we settle into a rhythm. Humping up to me, moaning in time to your motions, becoming more and more emphatic, even desperate. My right thumb enters you, you moan loudly, knowing that this is just the preliminary; I am preparing you for me.

My cock is ready for you, as you are more than ready for it.

And you shall have it. When I choose...


12:46 martes, 25th julio, 2023 needyAdelaide

What I wouldn't do for a night like this 

Blog Introduction


Big on kissing, caressing, stroking.  Lots of contact.