How Things Are Going.

11:02 viernes, 9th junio, 2023


So, I'm currently writing this blog post in order for others to notice me and know the crazy stuff effecting my life choices. Now it's no mystery why I came to this site. That is obvious to meet people, make friends, and to learn how to become the girl I dream to become.

Let me just say it sucks when every time I attempt to choose a path in my life someone always tries to control me either because it's wrong, stupid, ugly, or a sin. So, my family (Mother, and younger sister) found out I would like to be transgender. And of course, not one ounce of being there for me. Makes me jealous of those who get the motivation, and love they need from those closest. While those who don't get any comfort for decisions are treated badly, and like monsters. They also believe I'm gay for the choice of me being trans. Well, if wanting to be transgender, and liking girls makes me gay. Well, Hell yeah, I'm trans, I'm gay, I love girls, and proud! It makes me happy which in all honest fashion I rarely show it. Hopefully luck is on my side, and body. I need an artist to remold me into the sexy gal I want to be. Because this body needs to be reworked.
I hope to hear from all of you out there. Please comment anytime. Hope we can be supportive, and best friends too. Thanks for reading and listening. -Rommie-


4:32 martes, 22nd agosto, 2023 jste923

 That's  for anyone that doesn't stand by you after making a life changing decision. I will say this,.... it sorts out the shit you don't want around in the end
 If they were your friend(s) and now are distancing themselves or disappeared.....they weren't TRUE friends. It might even put some pressure on a true friend(s) as they struggle with the change,and maybe not be available as much. They may kinda hang on the sideline, but still communicate....waiting too see if your the same PERSON after your transformation. Any of us (literally anyone) are lucky to have 2 or 3 REAL good friends YES, there are some that have many more, I'm just averaging it out.  The KEY is you. You have to be YOU,.... true to yourself to be happy in life. AND since we only have so many SHORT years on this 3rd rock, achieving happiness in short order should be focused apon.I wish you well in your endeavors. Take care friend. 😉👍

4:30 domingo, 3rd diciembre, 2023 steffiesi007

Be my lover

Blog Introduction


I may be new to experiences. As long as I gather support, friends, and love I can rock you're world. Now I may not be fully transitioned. But, I have be taking online hormone pills.